

This solitaire tutorial takes you though the basics of creating a card game, and doing extensive drag/drop work.

Open a Window


To begin with, let’s start with a program that will use Arcade to open a blank window. The listing below also has stubs for methods we’ll fill in later.

Get started with this code and make sure you can run it. It should pop open a green window.

Starting Program
 2Solitaire clone.
 4import arcade
 6# Screen title and size
 9SCREEN_TITLE = "Drag and Drop Cards"
11class MyGame(arcade.Window):
12    """ Main application class. """
14    def __init__(self):
15        super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_TITLE)
17        arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.AMAZON)
19    def setup(self):
20        """ Set up the game here. Call this function to restart the game. """
21        pass
23    def on_draw(self):
24        """ Render the screen. """
25        # Clear the screen
26        arcade.start_render()
28    def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, key_modifiers):
29        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
30        pass
32    def on_mouse_release(self, x: float, y: float, button: int,
33                         modifiers: int):
34        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
35        pass
37    def on_mouse_motion(self, x: float, y: float, dx: float, dy: float):
38        """ User moves mouse """
39        pass
42def main():
43    """ Main method """
44    window = MyGame()
45    window.setup()
49if __name__ == "__main__":
50    main()

Create Card Sprites

Our next step is the create a bunch of sprites, one for each card.


First, we’ll create some constants used in positioning the cards, and keeping track of what card is which.

We could just hard-code numbers, but I like to calculate things out. The “mat” will eventually be a square slightly larger than each card that tracks where we can put cards. (A mat where we can put a pile of cards on.)

Create constants for positioning
 1# Constants for sizing
 2CARD_SCALE = 0.6
 4# How big are the cards?
 8# How big is the mat we'll place the card on?
13# How much space do we leave as a gap between the mats?
14# Done as a percent of the mat size.
18# The Y of the bottom row (2 piles)
21# The X of where to start putting things on the left side
24# Card constants
25CARD_VALUES = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]
26CARD_SUITS = ["Clubs", "Hearts", "Spades", "Diamonds"]

Card Class

Next up, we’ll create a card class. The card class is a subclass of arcade.Sprite. It will have attributes for the suit and value of the card, and auto-load the image for the card based on that.

We’ll use the entire image as the hit box, so we don’t need to go through the time consuming hit box calculation. Therefore we turn that off. Otherwise loading the sprites would take a long time.

Create card sprites
 1class Card(arcade.Sprite):
 2    """ Card sprite """
 4    def __init__(self, suit, value, scale=1):
 5        """ Card constructor """
 7        # Attributes for suit and value
 8        self.suit = suit
 9        self.value = value
11        # Image to use for the sprite when face up
12        self.image_file_name = f":resources:images/cards/card{self.suit}{self.value}.png"
14        # Call the parent
15        super().__init__(self.image_file_name, scale, hit_box_algorithm="None")

Creating Cards

We’ll start by creating an attribute for the SpriteList that will hold all the cards in the game.

Create card sprites
1    def __init__(self):
2        super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_TITLE)
4        # Sprite list with all the cards, no matter what pile they are in.
5        self.card_list = None
7        arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.AMAZON)

In setup we’ll create the list and the cards. We don’t do this in __init__ because by separating the creation into its own method, we can easily restart the game by calling setup.

Create card sprites
 1    def setup(self):
 2        """ Set up the game here. Call this function to restart the game. """
 4        # Sprite list with all the cards, no matter what pile they are in.
 5        self.card_list = arcade.SpriteList()
 7        # Create every card
 8        for card_suit in CARD_SUITS:
 9            for card_value in CARD_VALUES:
10                card = Card(card_suit, card_value, CARD_SCALE)
11                card.position = START_X, BOTTOM_Y
12                self.card_list.append(card)

Drawing Cards

Finally, draw the cards:

Create card sprites
1    def on_draw(self):
2        """ Render the screen. """
3        # Clear the screen
4        arcade.start_render()
6        # Draw the cards
7        self.card_list.draw()

You should end up with all the cards stacked in the lower-left corner:


Implement Drag and Drop

Next up, let’s add the ability to pick up, drag, and drop the cards.

Track the Cards

First, let’s add attributes to track what cards we are moving. Because we can move multiple cards, we’ll keep this as a list. If the user drops the card in an illegal spot, we’ll need to reset the card to its original position. So we’ll also track that.

Create the attributes:

Add attributes to __init__
 1    def __init__(self):
 2        super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_TITLE)
 4        # Sprite list with all the cards, no matter what pile they are in.
 5        self.card_list = None
 7        arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.AMAZON)
 9        # List of cards we are dragging with the mouse
10        self.held_cards = None
12        # Original location of cards we are dragging with the mouse in case
13        # they have to go back.
14        self.held_cards_original_position = None

Set the initial values (an empty list):

Create empty list attributes
 1    def setup(self):
 2        """ Set up the game here. Call this function to restart the game. """
 4        # List of cards we are dragging with the mouse
 5        self.held_cards = []
 7        # Original location of cards we are dragging with the mouse in case
 8        # they have to go back.
 9        self.held_cards_original_position = []
11        # Sprite list with all the cards, no matter what pile they are in.
12        self.card_list = arcade.SpriteList()
14        # Create every card
15        for card_suit in CARD_SUITS:
16            for card_value in CARD_VALUES:
17                card = Card(card_suit, card_value, CARD_SCALE)
18                card.position = START_X, BOTTOM_Y
19                self.card_list.append(card)

Pull Card to Top of Draw Order

When we click on the card, we’ll want it to be the last card drawn, so it appears on top of all the other cards. Otherwise we might drag a card underneath another card, which would look odd.

Pull card to top
1    def pull_to_top(self, card):
2        """ Pull card to top of rendering order (last to render, looks on-top) """
3        # Find the index of the card
4        index = self.card_list.index(card)
5        # Loop and pull all the other cards down towards the zero end
6        for i in range(index, len(self.card_list) - 1):
7            self.card_list[i] = self.card_list[i + 1]
8        # Put this card at the right-side/top/size of list
9        self.card_list[len(self.card_list) - 1] = card

Mouse Button Pressed

When the user presses the mouse button, we will:

  • See if they clicked on a card

  • If so, put that card in our held cards list

  • Save the original position of the card

  • Pull it to the top of the draw order

Pull card to top
 1    def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, key_modifiers):
 2        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
 4        # Get list of cards we've clicked on
 5        cards = arcade.get_sprites_at_point((x, y), self.card_list)
 7        # Have we clicked on a card?
 8        if len(cards) > 0:
10            # Might be a stack of cards, get the top one
11            primary_card = cards[-1]
13            # All other cases, grab the face-up card we are clicking on
14            self.held_cards = [primary_card]
15            # Save the position
16            self.held_cards_original_position = [self.held_cards[0].position]
17            # Put on top in drawing order
18            self.pull_to_top(self.held_cards[0])

Mouse Moved

If the user moves the mouse, we’ll move any held cards with it.

Pull card to top
1    def on_mouse_motion(self, x: float, y: float, dx: float, dy: float):
2        """ User moves mouse """
4        # If we are holding cards, move them with the mouse
5        for card in self.held_cards:
6            card.center_x += dx
7            card.center_y += dy

Mouse Released

When the user releases the mouse button, we’ll clear the held card list.

Pull card to top
 1    def on_mouse_release(self, x: float, y: float, button: int,
 2                         modifiers: int):
 3        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
 5        # If we don't have any cards, who cares
 6        if len(self.held_cards) == 0:
 7            return
 9        # We are no longer holding cards
10        self.held_cards = []

Test the Program

You should now be able to pick up and move cards around the screen. Try it out!


Draw Pile Mats

Next, we’ll create sprites that will act as guides to where the piles of cards go in our game. We’ll create these as sprites, so we can use collision detection to figure out of we are dropping a card on them or not.

Create Constants

First, we’ll create constants for the middle row of seven piles, and for the top row of four piles. We’ll also create a constant for how far apart each pile should be.

Again, we could hard-code numbers, but I like calculating them so I can change the scale easily.

Add constants
1# The Y of the top row (4 piles)
4# The Y of the middle row (7 piles)
7# How far apart each pile goes

Create Mat Sprites

Create an attribute for the mat sprite list:

Create the mat sprites
 1    def __init__(self):
 2        super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_TITLE)
 4        # Sprite list with all the cards, no matter what pile they are in.
 5        self.card_list = None
 7        arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.AMAZON)
 9        # List of cards we are dragging with the mouse
10        self.held_cards = None
12        # Original location of cards we are dragging with the mouse in case
13        # they have to go back.
14        self.held_cards_original_position = None
16        # Sprite list with all the mats tha cards lay on.
17        self.pile_mat_list = None

Then create the mat sprites in the setup method

Create the mat sprites
 1    def setup(self):
 2        """ Set up the game here. Call this function to restart the game. """
 4        # List of cards we are dragging with the mouse
 5        self.held_cards = []
 7        # Original location of cards we are dragging with the mouse in case
 8        # they have to go back.
 9        self.held_cards_original_position = []
11        # ---  Create the mats the cards go on.
13        # Sprite list with all the mats tha cards lay on.
14        self.pile_mat_list: arcade.SpriteList = arcade.SpriteList()
16        # Create the mats for the bottom face down and face up piles
17        pile = arcade.SpriteSolidColor(MAT_WIDTH, MAT_HEIGHT, arcade.csscolor.DARK_OLIVE_GREEN)
18        pile.position = START_X, BOTTOM_Y
19        self.pile_mat_list.append(pile)
21        pile = arcade.SpriteSolidColor(MAT_WIDTH, MAT_HEIGHT, arcade.csscolor.DARK_OLIVE_GREEN)
22        pile.position = START_X + X_SPACING, BOTTOM_Y
23        self.pile_mat_list.append(pile)
25        # Create the seven middle piles
26        for i in range(7):
27            pile = arcade.SpriteSolidColor(MAT_WIDTH, MAT_HEIGHT, arcade.csscolor.DARK_OLIVE_GREEN)
28            pile.position = START_X + i * X_SPACING, MIDDLE_Y
29            self.pile_mat_list.append(pile)
31        # Create the top "play" piles
32        for i in range(4):
33            pile = arcade.SpriteSolidColor(MAT_WIDTH, MAT_HEIGHT, arcade.csscolor.DARK_OLIVE_GREEN)
34            pile.position = START_X + i * X_SPACING, TOP_Y
35            self.pile_mat_list.append(pile)
37        # Sprite list with all the cards, no matter what pile they are in.
38        self.card_list = arcade.SpriteList()
40        # Create every card
41        for card_suit in CARD_SUITS:
42            for card_value in CARD_VALUES:
43                card = Card(card_suit, card_value, CARD_SCALE)
44                card.position = START_X, BOTTOM_Y
45                self.card_list.append(card)

Draw Mat Sprites

Finally, the mats aren’t going to display if we don’t draw them:

Draw the mat sprites
 1    def on_draw(self):
 2        """ Render the screen. """
 3        # Clear the screen
 4        arcade.start_render()
 6        # Draw the mats the cards go on to
 7        self.pile_mat_list.draw()
 9        # Draw the cards
10        self.card_list.draw()

Test the Program

Run the program, and see if the mats appear:


Snap Cards to Piles

Right now, you can drag the cards anywhere. They don’t have to go onto a pile. Let’s add code that “snaps” the card onto a pile. If we don’t drop on a pile, let’s reset back to the original location.

Snap to nearest pile
 1    def on_mouse_release(self, x: float, y: float, button: int,
 2                         modifiers: int):
 3        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
 5        # If we don't have any cards, who cares
 6        if len(self.held_cards) == 0:
 7            return
 9        # Find the closest pile, in case we are in contact with more than one
10        pile, distance = arcade.get_closest_sprite(self.held_cards[0], self.pile_mat_list)
11        reset_position = True
13        # See if we are in contact with the closest pile
14        if arcade.check_for_collision(self.held_cards[0], pile):
16            # For each held card, move it to the pile we dropped on
17            for i, dropped_card in enumerate(self.held_cards):
18                # Move cards to proper position
19                dropped_card.position = pile.center_x, pile.center_y
21            # Success, don't reset position of cards
22            reset_position = False
24            # Release on top play pile? And only one card held?
25        if reset_position:
26            # Where-ever we were dropped, it wasn't valid. Reset the each card's position
27            # to its original spot.
28            for pile_index, card in enumerate(self.held_cards):
29                card.position = self.held_cards_original_position[pile_index]
31        # We are no longer holding cards
32        self.held_cards = []

Shuffle the Cards

Having all the cards in order is boring. Let’s shuffle them in the setup method:

Shuffle Cards
1        # Shuffle the cards
2        for pos1 in range(len(self.card_list)):
3            pos2 = random.randrange(len(self.card_list))
4            self.card_list[pos1], self.card_list[pos2] = self.card_list[pos2], self.card_list[pos1]

Don’t forget to import random at the top.

Run your program and make sure you can move cards around.


Track Card Piles

Right now we are moving the cards around. But it isn’t easy to figure out what card is in which pile. We could check by position, but then we start fanning the cards out, that will be very difficult.

Therefore we will keep a separate list for each pile of cards. When we move a card we need to move the position, and switch which list it is in.

Add New Constants

To start with, let’s add some constants for each pile:

New Constants
 1# If we fan out cards stacked on each other, how far apart to fan them?
 4# Constants that represent "what pile is what" for the game
 8PLAY_PILE_1 = 2
 9PLAY_PILE_2 = 3
10PLAY_PILE_3 = 4
11PLAY_PILE_4 = 5
12PLAY_PILE_5 = 6
13PLAY_PILE_6 = 7
14PLAY_PILE_7 = 8
15TOP_PILE_1 = 9
16TOP_PILE_2 = 10
17TOP_PILE_3 = 11
18TOP_PILE_4 = 12

Create the Pile Lists

Then in our __init__ add a variable to track the piles:

Init Method Additions
1        # Create a list of lists, each holds a pile of cards.
2        self.piles = None

In the setup method, create a list for each pile. Then, add all the cards to the face-down deal pile. (Later, we’ll add support for face-down cards. Yes, right now all the cards in the face down pile are up.)

Setup Method Additions
1        # Create a list of lists, each holds a pile of cards.
2        self.piles = [[] for _ in range(PILE_COUNT)]
4        # Put all the cards in the bottom face-down pile
5        for card in self.card_list:
6            self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE].append(card)

Card Pile Management Methods

Next, we need some convenience methods we’ll use elsewhere.

First, given a card, return the index of which pile that card belongs to:

get_pile_for_card method
1    def get_pile_for_card(self, card):
2        """ What pile is this card in? """
3        for index, pile in enumerate(self.piles):
4            if card in pile:
5                return index

Next, remove a card from whatever pile it happens to be in.

remove_card_from_pile method
1    def remove_card_from_pile(self, card):
2        """ Remove card from whatever pile it was in. """
3        for pile in self.piles:
4            if card in pile:
5                pile.remove(card)
6                break

Finally, move a card from one pile to another.

move_card_to_new_pile method
1    def move_card_to_new_pile(self, card, pile_index):
2        """ Move the card to a new pile """
3        self.remove_card_from_pile(card)
4        self.piles[pile_index].append(card)

Dropping the Card

Next, we need to modify what happens when we release the mouse.

First, see if we release it onto the same pile it came from. If so, just reset the card back to its original location.

on_mouse_release method
 1    def on_mouse_release(self, x: float, y: float, button: int,
 2                         modifiers: int):
 3        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
 5        # If we don't have any cards, who cares
 6        if len(self.held_cards) == 0:
 7            return
 9        # Find the closest pile, in case we are in contact with more than one
10        pile, distance = arcade.get_closest_sprite(self.held_cards[0], self.pile_mat_list)
11        reset_position = True
13        # See if we are in contact with the closest pile
14        if arcade.check_for_collision(self.held_cards[0], pile):
16            # What pile is it?
17            pile_index = self.pile_mat_list.index(pile)
19            #  Is it the same pile we came from?
20            if pile_index == self.get_pile_for_card(self.held_cards[0]):
21                # If so, who cares. We'll just reset our position.
22                pass

What if it is on a middle play pile? Ugh, that’s a bit complicated. If the mat is empty, we need to place it in the middle of the mat. If there are cards on the mat, we need to offset the card so we can see a spread of cards.

While we can only pick up one card at a time right now, we need to support dropping multiple cards for once we support multiple card carries.

on_mouse_release method
 1            # Is it on a middle play pile?
 2            elif PLAY_PILE_1 <= pile_index <= PLAY_PILE_7:
 3                # Are there already cards there?
 4                if len(self.piles[pile_index]) > 0:
 5                    # Move cards to proper position
 6                    top_card = self.piles[pile_index][-1]
 7                    for i, dropped_card in enumerate(self.held_cards):
 8                        dropped_card.position = top_card.center_x, \
 9                                                top_card.center_y - CARD_VERTICAL_OFFSET * (i + 1)
10                else:
11                    # Are there no cards in the middle play pile?
12                    for i, dropped_card in enumerate(self.held_cards):
13                        # Move cards to proper position
14                        dropped_card.position = pile.center_x, \
15                                                pile.center_y - CARD_VERTICAL_OFFSET * i
17                for card in self.held_cards:
18                    # Cards are in the right position, but we need to move them to the right list
19                    self.move_card_to_new_pile(card, pile_index)
21                # Success, don't reset position of cards
22                reset_position = False

What if it is released on a top play pile? Make sure that we only have one card we are holding. We don’t want to drop a stack up top. Then move the card to that pile.

on_mouse_release method
1            # Release on top play pile? And only one card held?
2            elif TOP_PILE_1 <= pile_index <= TOP_PILE_4 and len(self.held_cards) == 1:
3                # Move position of card to pile
4                self.held_cards[0].position = pile.position
5                # Move card to card list
6                for card in self.held_cards:
7                    self.move_card_to_new_pile(card, pile_index)
9                reset_position = False

If the move is invalid, we need to reset all held cards to their initial location.

on_mouse_release method
1        if reset_position:
2            # Where-ever we were dropped, it wasn't valid. Reset the each card's position
3            # to its original spot.
4            for pile_index, card in enumerate(self.held_cards):
5                card.position = self.held_cards_original_position[pile_index]
7        # We are no longer holding cards
8        self.held_cards = []


Test out your program, and see if the cards are being fanned out properly.


The code isn’t enforcing any game rules. You can stack cards in any order. Also, with long stacks of cards, you still have to drop the card on the mat. This is counter-intuitive when the stack of cards extends downwards past the mat.

We leave the solutions to these issues as an exercise for the reader.


Pick Up Card Stacks

How do we pick up a whole stack of cards? When the mouse is pressed, we need to figure out what pile the card is in.

Next, look at where in the pile the card is that we clicked on. If there are any cards later on on the pile, we want to pick up those cards too. Add them to the list.

on_mouse_release method
 1    def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, key_modifiers):
 2        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
 4        # Get list of cards we've clicked on
 5        cards = arcade.get_sprites_at_point((x, y), self.card_list)
 7        # Have we clicked on a card?
 8        if len(cards) > 0:
10            # Might be a stack of cards, get the top one
11            primary_card = cards[-1]
12            # Figure out what pile the card is in
13            pile_index = self.get_pile_for_card(primary_card)
15            # All other cases, grab the face-up card we are clicking on
16            self.held_cards = [primary_card]
17            # Save the position
18            self.held_cards_original_position = [self.held_cards[0].position]
19            # Put on top in drawing order
20            self.pull_to_top(self.held_cards[0])
22            # Is this a stack of cards? If so, grab the other cards too
23            card_index = self.piles[pile_index].index(primary_card)
24            for i in range(card_index + 1, len(self.piles[pile_index])):
25                card = self.piles[pile_index][i]
26                self.held_cards.append(card)
27                self.held_cards_original_position.append(card.position)
28                self.pull_to_top(card)

After this, you should be able to pick up a stack of cards from the middle piles with the mouse and move them around.

Deal Out Cards

We can deal the cards into the seven middle piles by adding some code to the setup method. We need to change the list each card is part of, along with its position.

Setup Method Additions
 1        # - Pull from that pile into the middle piles, all face-down
 2        # Loop for each pile
 3        for pile_no in range(PLAY_PILE_1, PLAY_PILE_7 + 1):
 4            # Deal proper number of cards for that pile
 5            for j in range(pile_no - PLAY_PILE_1 + 1):
 6                # Pop the card off the deck we are dealing from
 7                card = self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE].pop()
 8                # Put in the proper pile
 9                self.piles[pile_no].append(card)
10                # Move card to same position as pile we just put it in
11                card.position = self.pile_mat_list[pile_no].position
12                # Put on top in draw order
13                self.pull_to_top(card)

Face Down Cards

We don’t play solitaire with all the cards facing up, so let’s add face-down support to our game.

New Constants

First define a constant for what image to use when face-down.

Face Down Image Constant
1# Face down image
2FACE_DOWN_IMAGE = ":resources:images/cards/cardBack_red2.png"

Updates to Card Class

Next, default each card in the Card class to be face up. Also, let’s add methods to flip the card up or down.

Updated Card Class
 1class Card(arcade.Sprite):
 2    """ Card sprite """
 4    def __init__(self, suit, value, scale=1):
 5        """ Card constructor """
 7        # Attributes for suit and value
 8        self.suit = suit
 9        self.value = value
11        # Image to use for the sprite when face up
12        self.image_file_name = f":resources:images/cards/card{self.suit}{self.value}.png"
13        self.is_face_up = False
14        super().__init__(FACE_DOWN_IMAGE, scale, hit_box_algorithm="None")
16    def face_down(self):
17        """ Turn card face-down """
18        self.texture = arcade.load_texture(FACE_DOWN_IMAGE)
19        self.is_face_up = False
21    def face_up(self):
22        """ Turn card face-up """
23        self.texture = arcade.load_texture(self.image_file_name)
24        self.is_face_up = True
26    @property
27    def is_face_down(self):
28        """ Is this card face down? """
29        return not self.is_face_up

Flip Up Cards On Middle Seven Piles

Right now every card is face down. Let’s update the setup method so the top cards in the middle seven piles are face up.

Flip Up Cards
1        # Flip up the top cards
2        for i in range(PLAY_PILE_1, PLAY_PILE_7 + 1):
3            self.piles[i][-1].face_up()

Flip Up Cards When Clicked

When we click on a card that is face down, instead of picking it up, let’s flip it over:

Flip Up Cards
 1    def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, key_modifiers):
 2        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
 4        # Get list of cards we've clicked on
 5        cards = arcade.get_sprites_at_point((x, y), self.card_list)
 7        # Have we clicked on a card?
 8        if len(cards) > 0:
10            # Might be a stack of cards, get the top one
11            primary_card = cards[-1]
12            # Figure out what pile the card is in
13            pile_index = self.get_pile_for_card(primary_card)
15            if primary_card.is_face_down:
16                # Is the card face down? In one of those middle 7 piles? Then flip up
17                primary_card.face_up()
18            else:
19                # All other cases, grab the face-up card we are clicking on
20                self.held_cards = [primary_card]
21                # Save the position
22                self.held_cards_original_position = [self.held_cards[0].position]
23                # Put on top in drawing order
24                self.pull_to_top(self.held_cards[0])
26                # Is this a stack of cards? If so, grab the other cards too
27                card_index = self.piles[pile_index].index(primary_card)
28                for i in range(card_index + 1, len(self.piles[pile_index])):
29                    card = self.piles[pile_index][i]
30                    self.held_cards.append(card)
31                    self.held_cards_original_position.append(card.position)
32                    self.pull_to_top(card)


Try out your program. As you move cards around, you should see face down cards as well, and be able to flip them over.


Restart Game

We can add the ability to restart are game any type we press the ‘R’ key:

Flip Up Cards
1    def on_key_press(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int):
2        """ User presses key """
3        if symbol == arcade.key.R:
4            # Restart
5            self.setup()

Flip Three From Draw Pile

The draw pile at the bottom of our screen doesn’t work right yet. When we click on it, we need it to flip three cards to the bottom-right pile. Also, if the have gone through all the cards in the pile, we need to reset the pile so we can go through it again.

Flipping of Bottom Deck
 1    def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, key_modifiers):
 2        """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
 4        # Get list of cards we've clicked on
 5        cards = arcade.get_sprites_at_point((x, y), self.card_list)
 7        # Have we clicked on a card?
 8        if len(cards) > 0:
10            # Might be a stack of cards, get the top one
11            primary_card = cards[-1]
12            # Figure out what pile the card is in
13            pile_index = self.get_pile_for_card(primary_card)
15            # Are we clicking on the bottom deck, to flip three cards?
16            if pile_index == BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE:
17                # Flip three cards
18                for i in range(3):
19                    # If we ran out of cards, stop
20                    if len(self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE]) == 0:
21                        break
22                    # Get top card
23                    card = self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE][-1]
24                    # Flip face up
25                    card.face_up()
26                    # Move card position to bottom-right face up pile
27                    card.position = self.pile_mat_list[BOTTOM_FACE_UP_PILE].position
28                    # Remove card from face down pile
29                    self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE].remove(card)
30                    # Move card to face up list
31                    self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_UP_PILE].append(card)
32                    # Put on top draw-order wise
33                    self.pull_to_top(card)
35            elif primary_card.is_face_down:
36                # Is the card face down? In one of those middle 7 piles? Then flip up
37                primary_card.face_up()
38            else:
39                # All other cases, grab the face-up card we are clicking on
40                self.held_cards = [primary_card]
41                # Save the position
42                self.held_cards_original_position = [self.held_cards[0].position]
43                # Put on top in drawing order
44                self.pull_to_top(self.held_cards[0])
46                # Is this a stack of cards? If so, grab the other cards too
47                card_index = self.piles[pile_index].index(primary_card)
48                for i in range(card_index + 1, len(self.piles[pile_index])):
49                    card = self.piles[pile_index][i]
50                    self.held_cards.append(card)
51                    self.held_cards_original_position.append(card.position)
52                    self.pull_to_top(card)
54        else:
56            # Click on a mat instead of a card?
57            mats = arcade.get_sprites_at_point((x, y), self.pile_mat_list)
59            if len(mats) > 0:
60                mat = mats[0]
61                mat_index = self.pile_mat_list.index(mat)
63                # Is it our turned over flip mat? and no cards on it?
64                if mat_index == BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE and len(self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE]) == 0:
65                    # Flip the deck back over so we can restart
66                    temp_list = self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_UP_PILE].copy()
67                    for card in reversed(temp_list):
68                        card.face_down()
69                        self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_UP_PILE].remove(card)
70                        self.piles[BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE].append(card)
71                        card.position = self.pile_mat_list[BOTTOM_FACE_DOWN_PILE].position


Now we’ve got a basic working solitaire game! Try it out!



There’s a lot more that could be added to this game, such as enforcing rules, adding animation to ‘slide’ a dropped card to its position, sound, better graphics, and more. Or this could be adapted to a different card game.

Hopefully this is enough to get you started on your own game.