Bundling a Game with PyInstaller


You’ve written your game using Arcade and it is a masterpiece! Congrats! Now you want to share it with others. That usually means helping people install Python, downloading the necessary modules, copying your code, and then getting it all working. Sharing is not an easy task. Well, PyInstaller can change all that!

PyInstaller is a tool for Python that lets you bundle up an entire Python application into a one-file executable bundle that you can easily share. Thankfully, it works great with Arcade!

We will be demonstrating usage with Windows, but everything should work exactly the same across Windows, Mac, and Linux. Note that you can only build for the system you are on. This means that in order to make a Windows build, you must be on a Windows machine, same thing for Linux and Mac.

Bundling a Simple Arcade Script


To demonstrate how PyInstaller works, we will:

  • Install PyInstaller

  • Create a simple example application that uses Arcade

  • Bundle the application into a one-file executable

  • Run the application

First, make sure both Arcade and PyInstaller are installed in your Python environment with:

pip install arcade pyinstaller

Then we need our game. In this case, we’ll start simple. We need a one-file game that doesn’t require any additional images or sounds. Once we have that working, we can get more complicated. Create a file called main.py that contains the following:

Sample game – main.py
import arcade

arcade.open_window(400, 400, "My Game")

arcade.draw_circle_filled(200, 200, 100, arcade.color.BLUE)


Now, create a one-file executable bundle file by running PyInstaller from the command-line:

pyinstaller main.py --onefile

PyInstaller generates the executable that is a bundle of your game. It puts it in the dist\ folder under your current working directory. Look for a file named main.exe in dist\. Run this and see the example application start up!

You can copy this file wherever you want on your computer and run it. Or, share it with others. Everything your script needs is inside this executable file.

For simple games, this is all you need to know! But, if your game loads any kind of data files from disk, continue reading.

Handling Data Files


When creating a bundle, PyInstaller first examines your project and automatically identifies nearly everything your project needs (a Python interpreter, installed modules, etc). But, it can’t automatically determine what data files your game is loading from disk (images, sounds, maps). So, you must explicitly tell PyInstaller about these files and where it should put them in the bundle. This is done with PyInstaller’s --add-data flag:

pyinstaller main.py --add-data "stripes.jpg;."

The first item passed to --add-data is the “source” file or directory (ex: stripes.jpg) identifying what PyInstaller should include in the bundle. The item after the semicolon is the “destination” (ex: “.”), which specifies where files should be placed in the bundle, relative to the bundle’s root. In the example above, the stripes.jpg image is copied to the root of the bundle (”.”).

After instructing PyInstaller to include data files in a bundle, you must make sure your code loads the data files from the correct directory. When you share your game’s bundle, you have no control over what directory the user will run your bundle from. This is complicated by the fact that a one-file PyInstaller bundle is uncompressed at runtime to a random temporary directory and then executed from there. This document describes one simple approach that allows your code to execute and load files when running in a PyInstaller bundle AND also be able to run when not bundled.

You need to do two things. First, the snippet below must be placed at the beginning of your script:

if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) and hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'):

This snippet uses sys.frozen and sys._MEIPASS, which are both set by PyInstaller. The sys.frozen setting indicates whether code is running from a bundle (“frozen”). If the code is “frozen”, the working directory is changed to the root of where the bundle has been uncompressed to (sys._MEIPASS). PyInstaller often uncompresses its one-file bundles to a directory named something like: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI123456.

Second, once the code above has set the current working directory, all file paths in your code can be relative paths (ex: resources\images\stripes.jpg) as opposed to absolute paths (ex: C:\projects\mygame\resources\images\stripes.jpg). If you do these two things and add data files to your package as demonstrated below, your code will be able to run “normally” as well as running in a bundle.

Below are some examples that show a few common patterns of how data files can be included in a PyInstaller bundle. The examples first show a code snippet that demonstrates how data is loaded (relative path names), followed by the PyInstaller command to copy data files into the bundle. They all assume that the os.chdir() snippet of code listed above is being used.

One Data File

If you simply have one data file in the same directory as your script, refer to the data file using a relative path like this:

sprite = arcade.Sprite("stripes.jpg")

Then, you would use a PyInstaller command like this to include the data file in the bundled executable:

pyinstaller main.py --add-data "stripes.jpg;."
pyinstaller main.py --add-data "*.jpg;."

One Data Directory


If you have a directory of data files (such as images), refer to the data directory using a relative path like this:

sprite = arcade.Sprite("images/player.jpg")
sprite = arcade.Sprite("images/enemy.jpg")

Then, you would use a PyInstaller command like this to include the directory in the bundled executable:

pyinstaller main.py --add-data "images;images"

Multiple Data Files and Directories

You can use the --add-data flag multiple times to add multiple files and directories into the bundle:

pyinstaller main.py --add-data "player.jpg;." --add-data "enemy.jpg;." --add-data "music;music"

One Directory for Everything

Although you can include every data file and directory with separate --add-data flags, it is suggested that you write your game so that all of your data files are under one root directory, often named resources. You can use subdirectories to help organize everything. An example directory tree could look like:

|--- main.py
|--- resources/
     |--- images/
     |    |--- enemy.jpg
     |    |--- player.jpg
     |--- sound/
     |    |--- game_over.wav
     |    |--- laser.wav
     |--- text/
          |--- names.txt

With this approach, it becomes easy to bundle all your data with just a single --add-data flag. Your code would use relative pathnames to load resources, something like this:

sprite = arcade.Sprite("resources/images/player.jpg")
text = open("resources/text/names.txt").read()

And, you would include this entire directory tree into the bundle like this:

pyinstaller main.py --add-data "resources;resources"

It is worth spending a bit of time to plan out how you will layout and load your data files in order to keep the bundling process simple.

The technique of handling data files described above is just one approach. If you want more control and flexibility in handling data files, learn about the different path information that is available by reading the PyInstaller Run-Time Information documentation.

Now that you know how to install PyInstaller, include data files, and bundle your game into an executable, you have what you need to bundle your game and share it with your new fans!



Use a One-Folder Bundle for Troubleshooting

If you are having problems getting your bundle to work properly, it may help to temporarily omit the --onefile flag from the pyinstaller command. This will bundle your game into a one-folder bundle with an executable inside it. This allows you to inspect the contents of the folder and make sure all of the files are where you expect them to be. The one-file bundle produced by --onefile is simply a self-uncompressing archive of this one-folder bundle.

PyInstaller Not Bundling a Needed Module

In most cases, PyInstaller is able to analyze your project and automatically determine what modules to place in the bundle. But, if PyInstaller happens to miss a module, you can use the --hidden-import MODULENAME flag to explicitly instruct PyInstaller to include a module. See the PyInstaller documentation for more details.

Extra Details

  • You will notice that after running pyinstaller, a .spec file will appear in your directory. This file is generated by PyInstaller and does not need to be saved or checked into your source code repo.

  • Executable one-file bundles produced by PyInstaller’s --onefile flag will start up slower than your original application or the one-folder bundle. This is expected because one-file bundles are ultimately just a compressed folder, so they must take time to uncompress themselves each time the bundle is run.

  • By default, when PyInstaller creates a bundled application, the application opens a console window. You can suppress the creation of the console window by adding the --windowed flag to the pyinstaller command.

  • See the PyInstaller documentation below for more details on the topics above, and much more.

  • PyInstaller 4.x was used in this tutorial.

PyInstaller Documentation

PyInstaller is a flexible tool that can handle a wide variety of different situations. For further reading, here are links to the official PyInstaller documentation and GitHub page: